We only adopt animals up to 1 hour away from zip code 14150 (Tonawanda) or up to 2 hours away for special needs animals.
Please note that we will not process applications for any applicant who lives outside of New York State or outside of the United States.
How did you hear about us?
If 'other' to the above question, please explain
Age of applicant(s) - Please note that we do not process applications for applicants under the age of 21 *
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time *
Which animal are you interested in?
We do NOT pre-approve adoption applications, if you apply for a dog not listed, your application will be denied.
If you are interested in a dog that is not listed, as available, please wait to apply till you see the animal as available. *
Choose an animal:
Mary Lou
Do you own or rent your home? If the house is not in your name, please select rent.
Do you have homeowners or rental insurance that covers the breed of dog your are trying to adopt? Does your insurance company have breed restrictions?
If so, what breeds are restricted?
How long have you lived at this address? *
What is the dog limit in your town/city? *
Do you live in a subdivision with a home owners association?
Does your home owners association have any pet restrictions? Please select all that apply.
If you live in a home owners association, please list the name & phone number of the HOA contact.
If you rent, please enter your landlord's or homeowner's name and phone number. If not, type N/A *
If you rent, do you have your landlords approval to bring an animal into your home?
Does your landlord have any pet restrictions? Please select all that apply.
If you move or are unable to care for your animal in the future, what do you plan to do with your pet(s)? *
Please give the name, address and phone number of the person who agrees to care for your animal should you physically be unable to in the future. *
How many adults are in the home & what are their ages? *
How many children are in the home & what are their ages *
If no children live in the home, would the dog be exposed to children on a regular basis (ex. grandchildren, nieces/nephews...)
If yes, please list the ages of the children
Have you ever owned a dog or cat, after the age of 18, that you were financially responsible for, ie vetting?
If you answered yes to the above question, please provide the name, breed, age and date of passing, if applicable, for previous owned animals. If no put NA *
Have you ever given up a pet? If no, type N/A. If yes, please explain in full detail. Did you consult with a professional trainer prior to giving up the pet and if so, what methods were used. Please provide where you adopted said animal from too.
Do you currently have pets in the home?
What are the names, ages & breeds of all the pets in the home (important for vet reference) If no pets, type N/A *
Are all of your pets spayed or neutered?
If any of your pets are not spayed or neutered, please explain.
Are all of your pets up to date on their vaccinations
If your pets are not up to date on their vaccinations, please explain.
Describe how you will train your new pet & what training methods will you use. *
How much money do you estimate you will spend on your new pet each year? (this includes yearly vetting, flea/Heartworm prevention, food & supplies) *
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home? *
Where will you keep the pet during the day? At night? *
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day *
Does your cat go outdoors?
Do you have a fully fenced yard
If yes, what type of fence and it's height (ex. chain link, 4ft high)
Do you have a pool
If yes, is the pool area secure or will the pet be able to access it?
Will your pet spend any length of time outside and it what situations *
Do you have a doggie door?
Please provide us with any additional information that you feel is pertinent
Current and/or past veterinarian name & address. Please list ALL vets and clinics you have used. *
Your vets phone number (list all numbers if you have used multiple vets) *
Please tell us the name(s) the vet records are under (If different from the applicants name)
It is essential that you call your vet after submitting this form and give them permission to release your information to a Buffalo CARES Animal Rescue volunteer. Failure to do this will delay the processing of your application. Thank you.
Please verify you have contacted your vet to release records to a Buffalo CARES representative.
Please check your SPAM email folder if you haven't seen any communications from us.
I consent to receive periodic email correspondence from Buffalo CARES Animal Rescue unless checking below.
I agree that I meet the adoption requirements put forth through Buffalo CARES Animal Rescue. If it is found that I do not meet the requirements I understand that my application will not be processed.
By clicking Submit below, I certify that I have read this questionnaire and that the information I have given is true and accurate. I understand that any falsification on this application or at any other time during the application process may result in the nullification of this application. I am aware that submitting my application does not guarantee that I will receive approval to adopt an animal from Buffalo C.A.R.E.S. Animal Rescue.