Those wishing to be volunteers for Buffalo CARES are expected to be active within the organization. We are asking all volunteers to average 2 hours per month participating in events or in general hands-on work for the rescue. This may include staffing both fundraising and animal events, completing or collating materials for events, transporting animals, and other needs of the organization. We understand some months are busier for our folks than others. Therefore, we do encourage that if you can’t participate for a month or so, that you maybe you donate some supplies that the rescue is often needs – that may include food, treats, beds, leashes, collars, laundry detergent, puppy pee pads, or just plain old cash – in order to maintain an active status. We also expect that our volunteers will be active in sharing and/or liking our events and animal on social media platforms. That may include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like. Since we are an in-home all volunteer based foster rescue we rely heavily on our volunteers to get the word out! If you are agreeable to this, please continue reading!
Volunteer Code of Conduct We, the volunteers of Buffalo CARES, in order to better conduct ourselves in ways that consistently benefit our dogs, our organization, the adopting public, and the community at large, pledge to uphold the following code: 1. The integrity of the group as a whole, depends on the individual integrity of each member. a. As far as possible, we will keep our commitments and if we find ourselves unable to do so we will promptly communicate that to all concerned. 2. Recognizing that we are a group of individuals who vary emotionally and temperamentally. a. We will conduct ourselves in such a manner as to not have reflection of anything negative toward the group or any member of the group. We will demonstrate our respect for the rights and feelings of all of the volunteers by protecting their privacy, by giving them the benefit of the doubt, and by exercising courtesy and restraint when communicating our displeasure with their actions. 3. We will support through our actions and words, the leadership, the By-laws, policies and procedures, and operational structure of Buffalo CARES Rescue. a. When we disapprove of the acts of other volunteers, we will use established methods to lodge complaints. When we want policies or the structure itself to change, we will communicate through committees, coordinators and the Board of Directors. 4. We will conduct ourselves in a courteous, dignified manner during all Buffalo CARES Rescue events. 5. We will work together and cooperate with each other in a professional manner, with our common goal of improving the welfare of homeless, abused, and neglected animals. a. Not everyone will have exactly the same interpretation of every situation. In recognition of differences that exist, it is essential that all all volunteers represent a cohesive and united front. It is vital therefore, that all differences be settled internally. Any spoken or implied criticism of each other only serves to adversely affect not only Buffalo CARES but all rescues. We will carry out our duties in accordance with this Code of Conduct and in line with Buffalo CARES Rescue’s mission statement. 6. We are here for the good of the animals; to provide them the opportunity to find loving forever homes. It’s about the animals, and not “me first.” a. Volunteers should not expect preferential treatment. Joining this organization is a voluntary act on your behalf. Consistent with this is that volunteers should not assume that they have first choice over an animal up for adoption. When it comes to adopting current animals up for adoption, the volunteer will go through the same process as those in the public who are interested in an animal. Additionally, there is no “first choice” selection due to a volunteers status. We will still evaluate all homes – volunteer or not – to see what is the best fit for the animal.
The above Code of Conduct applies to all Volunteers of Buffalo CARES. Each person is responsible to abide by and enforce the code of conduct. Any infraction of the code of conduct needs to be brought immediately to the violator’s attention as well as to the appropriate coordinator and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will decide the appropriate action. Buffalo CARES does not condone any breach of integrity by unlawful means and will remove any volunteer(s) acting in this capacity. I will familiarize myself and comply with Buffalo CARES policies and procedure as it applies to me in my volunteer and/or foster capacity. In particular, I fully understand that Buffalo CARES expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of the animals under its care. I will adhere strictly to these standards in my capacity as a volunteer and/or foster. I understand that Buffalo CARES, without notice or hearing may terminate my services as a volunteer at any time, with or without reason. I understand the potential safety risks of working with animals and/or of bringing home illnesses from rescue animals to personal pets. I assume the risks of being bitten, scratched, injured, or frightened by cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies in connection with my volunteer work for the Rescue. Buffalo CARES is not liable to me for any injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, judgments, costs or expenses whatsoever which I might suffer or sustain in connection with the performance of my volunteer activities for the Rescue unless they are the result of the Rescue’s intentional misconduct. I will indemnify, defend and hold the Rescue harmless from and against any claims, lawsuits, injuries, damages, losses, costs or expenses whatsoever sustained by any companion animal or any person in connection with my intentional misconduct or grossly negligent performance of volunteer activities for the Rescue, or my breach of Rescue’s rules, regulations, policies and programs. |